Friday, October 10, 2008

He's arrived!!! But, without luggage!

Brett arrived last night! I did any number of turns around the airport trying to pick him up while he waited for his bags. And waited. And waited. And then found out the bag was still in Boston. So we came straight back to the room and crashed (it was 11 pm). We were supposed to get the bag at noon today. Never happened. BUT, I am happy to report it arrived at 4:45 this afternoon in good condition. So Brett is now comfortable in sweats, on the couch, TV on and beer in hand. Finally relaxing.

Today was easy. Went to CCRM for the IVF physical. Nothing too shocking there. Then dragged Brett to lunch and to see Beverly Hills Chihuahua. Sometimes you just want a sweet, silly movie. It was fun...a realy cute story with a cute moral. It distracted him from the fact that his white undershirt was smelly for a little while! I offered to buy new ones at Walmart but we didn't think we'd be able to fit anything additional in our bags on the way we waited. The weather wans' t great so we didn't miss out on much (we had planned on a hike, but it was freezing and gray). We may have snow tomorrow though!!!

I have an u/s and b/w in the morning. Hopefully will have more news and be more entertaining tomorrow. All of the extra meds are making me very emotional, cranky, and tired. So, I'm losing whatever personality I had...have to work on that. Maybe I'll be better tomorrow.

1 comment:

Houghton Crew said...

Hi Sue!! Go 17 follicles! That is awesome! Hang in there on all of those drugs. May not be great for your mood but your ovaries like them! Steve and I are thinking of you both and wishing you all the best. Lots of good thoughts and prayers are coming your way! Love, Erin (& the Houghton crew)