Sunday, February 22, 2009

Growing follies

I had another u/s and b/w appointment at CCRM this morning. Still looking good. They measured about 17 follices, with the first 12 being between 13-17mm, and the addditional 5 being between 8-12. Then there were about 6 more little ones that she didn't measure. So, they are confident saying we should get 12 but may get up to 20. This is basically the same as last time. We thought we'd get 14 and got 19, so I'm going to guess more than 12 but not by too much more. I'm just hoping for quality over quantity!

They are still estimating Wednesday the earliest for ER with it more likely being Thursday or Friday, but the nurse said she'll know more after the b/w gets run and they talk to the doctor. This would be good news b/c Brett isn't going to get here until really late Tuesday night. I did call the nurse that they list in the binder who is willing to come to the hotel and do shots for us. She was super-sweet and is absolutely willing to come out here at any time and give me the IM trigger shot. I've been trying to pump myself up to try to give it to myself, but haven't got the courage. I just don't get the logistics of shooting myself in the tush (I think the hardest part would be the pull out to check for blood part, how do you do that? And someone told me you can skip that part, but I've had DH hit a vein with the PIO, so I really don't want to skip it, you know?). Anyway, problem solved. (Kay- thanks for offering, btw. I just think I'll be doing the shot before you even get here!).

I'm just trying to stay busy. I am usually okay by myself but don't like sightseeing, etc, alone. So, Friday I went shopping (bad bad me...we've been saving money and I haven't shopped at all since before Christmas, haven't even cut or colored my hair!). So, it was bad of me but DSW had a huge sale here (TONS at 50% off) I bought shoes. Yesterday I went to a GREAT yoga class here. This is the second studio I've sampled in the area in the last year...and this one was MUCH better. The one I went to in October was seriously McYoga...very pre-packaged and lacking. Yesterday's class was Anusara and was incredible. Then I went to a matinee to see a chic-flick, which I never do. It was fun....went to see He's Just not that Into You. It was okay. I get annoyed at the stereotypical male and female roles and jokes (which I never remember until I am already paid and watching the movie). I may try to make it to a matinee of Slumdog Millionaire today. I am not a huge movie fan...probably only see 2 or so a year in the theater, so this is an interesting change for me.

Oh and for all of you with MF concerns, I read an article while at CCRM in Women's Health that said that if your man eats lots of soy or soy-based foods, his sperm count is likely 47million less than a guy who eats none. That is HUGE. It was 47 million on average, so more or less. I think it was a Swiss study...not sure, but worth looking into if your guy likes veggie burgers or tofu.


'Murgdan' said...

Good luck this week!

...and man, I just wish one of these male factor studies would actually list something that my husband actually ATE as being the answer to all our problems. But then again, if a study suggested quitting pizza or steak, he probably wouldn't do it anyway. Darn it. No soy here.


Nikki said...

Sounds great! Good luck! I hope those follies and many more continue to plump up and you get plenty of good eggs! :-)

Enjoy the movies and the shopping!

JJ said...

Yay, going well! I think you're right to get the nurse to come over and do your shot if DH isn't in town yet. This is arguably the most important shot of the cycle and not worth risking. Plus you can eliminate the stress building up to doing it yourself would cause. Can't wait to see the results of your next follie check!

Josée Martens said...

I am so glad you are progressing well in this stim phase. Sounds like things are running super smoothly.

I could never give myself a shot. DH or a nurse has to do each and every one for me.

I love that you are doing all kinds of loving things for yourself (shopping, yoga, movies) too cute.

Did you get out and see Jen?

Josée Martens said...

Good luck this week!!!

kayjay said...

Awesome news on the number of follies. It will be interesting to see how the numbers and quality compare to your other cycles given the Saizen that was added this cycle. I hope all goes well with your trigger shot and I'm just one day too late to give it to you but I'm glad that you have everything arranged with the nurse. GL and I'll see you soon!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are progressing nicely. I am so happy for you. I actually really liked the movie. It made me smile and forget about IF for a few hours. I wish I was out there shopping with you. I am glad you got to do some yoga. Is it uncomfy when you are all bloated? I will use any excuse. Just a few more days till DH gets there. Thinking of you :)

DAVs said...

I'm glad things are going so well! I hope you like Slumdog.
And oh no on the soy. We eat soy. Lee eats soy. I wonder how much it takes to make a difference? Can you link me to that article? Thanks!

Houghton Crew said...

Grow follies grow!! Wishing you lots of luck this week!!!

Jill M. said...

Looking Good! Grow follies, grow!

Lost in Space said...

So glad all is looking so good for you.

I could never do the trigger shot myself either.....glad you have a great backup plan.

Sky said...

I'm so jealous of your follicles - if only mine ever behaved that way. Oh well, they probably did when I was your age and not 42.

Sounds like you're doing extremely well. Woo Hoo!

As for the IM shot, I wish I was there to do it for you or talk you into it. It's such a piece of cake, truly. My first PIO shot was nerve wracking and I'd numbed my butt so deeply I could have cut a chunk of skin out and never felt it (well, until later ;)

Good for you on discounted shoes. You deserve a little guilty pleasure throughout all of this.

Angie said...

Great check-up! You deserve the *me* splurges ~ enjoy! Sounds like you have a great plan with the nurse....good luck this week!

KJ said...

Thats a great number of follies. I'm praying for you.

momsoon said...

Wow- send that report back to the local technician who reported two!
Really great...
I am into yoga too (and think it really is great to have during this process) and glad you found some "yummy yoga"-the Mcyoga is so, well, Mcpiontless.
oh-def see Slumdog- I saw it during my last 2ww (i bawled from all the hormones) and it is an amazing film...
Following your progress and thinking of you..

Anonymous said...

Good Luck! I am thinking of you. You are almost there!

Me said...

I have to say that I'm totally not surprised by that study. Phytoestrogens CAN'T be good for guys; it just doesn't make sense.