Tuesday, February 17, 2009

All is well

I got a call from my back up nurse yesterday who was like, "did you get an answer to the question you left on the nurseline? You know we don't check that on the weekends at all?" I was like, yes, that did occur to me..but I thought they checked it on Saturdays and not Sundays but after my 2 calls on Saturday with no response, I remembered that little tidbit and called the emergency line on Sunday and spoke to someone. She was glad about that. But then I told her that the nurse said that Dr. Sch is not having people decrease their lupron anymore so I should stay on 10, but that I insisted it was Dr. G so she said to go ahead and cut it down. She was so surprised. She said I did the right thing cutting down to 5 but that they used to keep people on 10 but haven't done that for YEARS (she put the emphasis on that). I was like, um, somebody better tell the on call nurse that! Okay, so I did the right thing.

In the meantime, I am slowly starting to stress. I hate flying and the recent crash near here has me slightly freaked out. Okay, I used to love flying but I spent a semester in Central America in college and on my return flight, by myself, dirty, smelly, hungry (we lived in the rainforest mostly), and tired, when we landed at LaGuardia, the wing hit the runway and there were flames...um...right outside my window seat. Since then, I don't love flying. I do it, I try not to bitch, but I don't like it. And, just in time for my flight tomorrow, there is snow and freezing rain. Fun. On top of that, I hate the idea of giving myself the shots mid-flight. I did do this last time (with the AM and PM shots, there isn't much of a window for flying), but it was stressful because it was a very very bumpy flight and they had the seatbelt sign on the entire time. I sat in the back of the plane (thank God it wasn't a full flight) and filled the lupron syringe, took out the gonal-f, alcohol swab and sat there staring at the seatbelt light. Just about the time I was ready to bare the belly right in the seat, the light went off, I ran to the bathroom, did the two shots and ran back to my seat. Stressful! Does anyone else have experiences with this or am I just nuts?

I have an appointment tomorrow morning for a follie check. My local RE never really counts them, just moves the wand one way, says "you have a bunch", moves it the other way, says, "and quite a few there too", and that is it. So a bunch and quite a few is what I am anticipating. Of course, during those few seconds of ovary viewing, I am feverishly trying to count and estimate, but whatever. I'll know more on Friday at CCRM. Now, I have to go do some laundry so I can pack and hit Target for some supplies.

Oh and I think I'm going to be fiddling with new blog backgrounds so if you can't read it, reload and it might have a different background. Some of those are hard to read. But, I'm not sure I love this one...


DAVs said...

I'm sorry you have fear about flying, that stinks. If only we could just Xanax it right out!
I have given myself shots on the plane, too. I just did them right in my seat. I figured if anyone asked, I'd school then on IF :)

Glad things are going well!

Retro Girl said...

Ahh...fear of flying. Understandable given your past experience, for sure, but, from someone on the "inside", it really is so safe with so many redundant systems. Good luck with the in-flight shots...I hope you have a smoother ride to deal with them!

Looking forward to the CCRM updates!

Sky said...

We are the same with flying. I used to LOVE it as a teenager but since 9/11, I HATE it so much. I, also, do it and don't bitch about it but I often white-knuckle it when it's bumpy. Flying was the one thing I disliked about choosing CCRM, but that wasn't as important as pursuing my best baby chance. (no flames from wings but I was on a near-empty flight maybe 15 years ago over N.M./Arizona where the jet was bouncing so wildly that I felt like it was tied to a bungee cord and King Kong was yanking it - yet, this was before 9/11 so I was only slightly concerned. Today I would toss my cookies and pass out cold).

Dav, I have Xanax-ed the flight right out a couple of times. ;)

As for follicle counting...my local RE (which is my former RE) is RMA NJ and they log everything in (then again, I had a total of 7-9 and not the dozens you younger gals have - I am SO jealous! ;) So I always know the size of each ovary, lining, each follicle is measured and for the small ones, I hear 4 <10mm, etc. It sort of helps me leave with some idea of what's going on, which is always helpful during this crazy anxiety ridden time.

I'll be following along, wishing you well.

momsoon said...

Ahhh the trials and tribulations of taking our shots!! I have yet to experience the airplane one but have taken them in other moving vehicles and many Starbuck's washrooms...makes me want to shout -i'm no drug addict, just tryin to have a friggin' baby!!!!

One day we will looks back, baby in hand and laugh, knowing how much we wanted our little ones and the lenths we went to bring them into the world.

I can't wait to read along these next few weeks and cheer you on as we go.

kayjay said...

I wish you a calm flight with no turbulence. Mother Nature owes you at least that! Last time I flew down to CCRM was the first time I had to do a shot while in the air - we belong to a different kind of "mile high club" didn't cha know?! I was very nervous too - thankfully in the bathroom I was in, there was a baby change station (how ironic) so I pulled down the table and set up my syringes, vials, needle tips, sharps container and then took my sweet old time.

I hear you about the recent crash as well - last night I came into the room just as the TV was giving a complete, blow-by-blow account of what happened. I ran yelling at the screen and flipped it off as quickly as I could - don't need to be seeing that right now either!

Good call on the Lupron. As for the terms "a bunch" and "quite a few", didn't you know they taught that in medical school? It's like they teach all of us accountants, when answering a tax questions, always begin with the response "it depends..."!

GL in Denver and I hope we hook up!

P.S. if you feel like a movie don't wait for me since I will be rolling in several days after you!

Not Your Aunt B said...

Glad to hear the protocol you did was the right one. Good luck. Hope you have a safe, calm flight. It does suck to have to give yourself shots mid-flight. At least you can give them to yourself? Can you imagine what people would think if both of you walked into the bathroom on the plane? I think I would make crazy groaning noises just for the hell of it.

Jill M. said...

You have got to be kidding me! I can't believe that lady told you to keep it at 10. I'm soooo glad you didn't listen to her. Telling a patient their med dosage is serious business, I hope they resolve that so it doesn't happen again.

Uh yeah, I think I would hate flying too if I had experienced what you did.

The best of luck to you, can't wait to hear all your updates.

elliej said...

Wishing you a bunch and quite a few tomorrow. I hope the flight goes really fast for you. Just think, it'll be bringing you closer to your baby/ies xxx

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I hear ya on the flying. I was traveling during 9/11 and I have feared flying ever since. I want to wish you all the best for your trip to CCRM. I am going to be watching for updates. THIS IS YOUR CYCLE AND YOUR TIME!!!

Nikki said...

Hey Sue - We haven't "met" but I "know" you from IVFC - as in, I've been reading your updates there.

Just popped in to say - good luck! I'll be at CCRM next week for my FET, and who knows - maybe we'll run into each other!

Rebecca said...

I'm afraid I don't have any advice to offer about doing injections on a plane, but I hope you have a very smooth flight and a great cycle! Good luck!!

JJ said...

Yep, I'm all too familiar with fear of flying. I had a phobia when I was younger (started b/c of PTSS from a terrible family incident) and then kind of got better but now it's worse than ever and I have to travel all the time in my job. Grrr. I hate it. I've done shots on flights before and also in the car on the way to Denver. For one of them I just dropped my pants and had my DH do the Lupron shot in my thigh right there. I'm sure I cd have been arrested for public indecency....

Hoping for a nice calm flight for you and a fabulous cycle.