Yesterday I had to go in to my local RE for bloodwork to check on my progesterone and estrogen levels. To support this pregnancy, I've been taking progesterone in oil shots (PIO, 1ml every day) and estrogen patches (2 applied every other day). Now I don't know about estrogen support but most RE's wait until about week 9 or 10 to start decreasing progesterone support because by that time, the placenta should have started making enough to support itself. CCRM is different. They had me go in yesterday to have my levels checked and the nurse called with the results. The estrogen was 1,364 and my progesterone was >40, which sounds crazy, but my old RE does not have a machine that measures P4 higher than 40...which sucks for me. Basically the nurse told me that I am to start weaning off both estrogen and the PIO. Next Saturday (literally, 2 days before my u/s), I can start using 1 patch of estrogen every other day and I can cut down to 1 ml of the PIO every other day instead of every day. Now, you girls who have been through these crazy procedures are starting to understand my freakout, right? The nurse said that she wishes she knew if my P4 level was at 100 or higher or closer to 40 itself or somewhere in the middle. She simply said that in any event, they will find out on Monday if it ends up going below 40 that it was closer to 40 than 100? Um, are you crazy? If it goes below 40, I believe I can lose the baby I haven't even seen on u/s yet???!?! Yes, I know CCRM knows what they are doing, but isn't there a better way? is it bad to have too high P4? I'd rather just keep with the daily PIO, am feeling downright warm towards those bruises on my hips!!! I asked the nurse if I could go to another lab, like Quest Diagnostics, and have them draw the blood to be shipped to CCRM or tested in an independent lab so we'd have a better understanding of my levels and she said its okay, we will know if P4 drops that it was lower than we thought....eeek! I am going to call them today and speak to my regular nurse or to Dr. G himself b/c this is killing me! I am not usually very high maintenance with this stuff. Believe it or not, I trust the people at CCRM, they certainly know more than I do....but this is just plain scary! Maybe I'll consult the girls on the boards....
Besides that, nothing new to report. Some symptoms: I've been exhausted in the evenings lately; have had a bit of nausea though not enough to vomit; daily headaches and lightheadedness. These are all good things according to me and DH. Every time I hint that I don't feel 100%, Brett's face lights up and he says something silly about this is what we signed on for! and then he apologizes that me being sick makes him happy...but I get his point. And, it makes me laugh:-)
Oh that's frustrating. I'd definitely try to call back. By the way, how is it that you get through to your actual doctor at CCRM?
At any rate, I hope they either re-test the blood or just let you hang on with your current dose until the u/s.
For your peace of mind, it doesn't hurt to re-test the P4 level so that you can have a more accurate number. But it sounds like things are progressing nicely with your pregnancy! :)
Sue, I would soooo do what you are doing. But I had a thought. I'll bet if you call around to other REs, someone has the lab to do it. Maybe even your old school gyne's office. You might not have to do that whole 'ship it to CO' thing.
Hugs. No one needs the stress.
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