So, I sat on it. Of course, it is too late (damn it! I should have gone to the festival last year!!!!). I did think that I'd sit on it anyway so that we might have future siblings too...
Need I point to the belly area where there is no doubt a "loss of waisteline" as they say in all the pregnancy books. I am getting a little pouch, which I've never had before. I'm sure most of it is from bloating, etc...but since my ute is supposed to be the size of a grapefruit this week, maybe a little bit of it is our little girl. But, as you can see from the mistaking that belly is starting to show (which is odd b/c I've been losing weight).
One last thing...I don't want anyone to be disappointed in a post about a Renaissance festival that has no horses and jousting so I included this shot:
We had fun...did a lot of walking...laughed a lot. It was definitely a good time. The entertainers that they had were hysterical. We aren't really big renaissance festival type we didn't get all dressed up or speak in old english or anything crazy like that...but I had fun just seeing the sites and watching some plays and stuff. One of the funniest things was chatting with my friend Frank while we were there and trying to have a normal conversation while he had to be in character the entire time. Poor guy...I was like, "so what do you guys do during the week up here"...and he would look at me, compose his thoughts and answer using "thou" and "thee" and words like "merry"....then I'd look confused and I almost asked if he wanted us all to duck behind one of the outbuildings so he can talk normal...? Funny.
Fertility Bench! And it's free to sit on? Well, what have I been doing for the past 2 years, spending all this money on IF treatments? Silly me!
Where's the bench? I will drive all night if I can just sit on it once! Gosh, if only that's all it took.
I have a pouch like that only I'm not pg yet. It's got to be all the Ben & Jerry's. Glad to hear you're out having fun and laughing.
That's a cute picture! I guess I need so go park my caboose on that seat!
All that money we've all pissed away when a bench would have done just fine!
Makes me think of Nicole who - at the age of 40 - claimed her swim in a "fertility lake" in Australia was the reason for her success.
Fertility Bench! Not only must you sit on it, you must go away with a mindset that you are going to be fertile right away!! I heard about so many stories whether people drink a certain holy water or drink from a certain well or visited that certain church and got pregnant. A change of mindset really play a part. So, good luck now that you sat on the fertility bench!
My RE has led me astray. I think they need one of those in his office, LOL!!
LOL! Too funny of a this similar to swimming in fertile waters??!?? haha:):)
Love the fertility bench. Mr. M and I watched a documentary - I forget the name - about the people who live and die around that stuff - it was fascinating.
Hi Sue-
I am 13w3d and have been in maternity clothes for a couple of weeks or so. I hope to post a belly pic soon, but I need to figure out my new camera first so I can load the pics. I am a bit technologically challenged:):)
Hi Sue! First, Congrats on your pregnancy sweetie! CONGRATS on 12 wks! Sorry it's late...I have not been around for awhile.
2nd, where is the bench?? I'm sure we could make arrangements to make it a traveling bench! :-)
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