Wednesday, November 3, 2010

No news tonight.

So, it was getting late here so I left a message for FLC to see how my day 6 embies did. I got no response. It was approaching 7:45 (5:45 Colorado time) here and finally, I got a call from my nurse (?!). I freaked out...she told me to relax, that it wasn't bad news but the lab had one more thing to do before they called me with the results. She said that they like to call only with a final report and they have one more thing to do. I told her that I was super-good about not bugging them on day 3-6 and that couldn't they at least tell me if I had ANY embryos go out at all? She said "but they all go out at once, so none have gone yet, but when I talked to them, they definitely didn't suggest that this was a bad thing." Ugh. I asked her again for any info at all and she said she'd try to catch the woman she spoke to earlier to see if she could get any info...she put me on hold...and came back to say that there was no answer, but that I shouldn't worry, I'd get a call tomorrow. She finally said that she'd try to reach the lab person again and if she was able to tonight, I might still get a call but that she didn't think it was likely. Here is the thing...I love my nurse. She has never steered me wrong or done anything to make me doubt her or even get frustrated with her. I believe her. But, wouldn't this make you worry? I mean, what could they be doing with my embies now anyway? I mean, they are past day 6 at this point, so will be discarded and there is nothing that can be done to them, right?

My only hope is that they got one or two yesterday and one or two today and then forgot that I asked them to thaw and rebiopsy the one from last cycle so are doing that and since it isn't done, it isn't a "final report" so they didn't bother calling. This is me grasping at straws and getting desperate...really, I'm kind of upset and nervous that I did all of this for nothing. I know I said I'd be totally relaxed about this and I mostly succeeded until late this afternoon....but the lack of update and then this phone call just has me concluding that none of my embryos made it...but then, how can you get 15 fertilize and none make it to blast? does that happen? I hate this. I truly almost forgot what this was like...I HATE IT.

I'll update when I can...but I don't have much hope.


lastchanceivf said...

I don't think this is a bad sign at all. I know it's terribly disconcerting not to hear anything yet but from my experience the lab gets incredibly busy and I honestly think they just forget sometimes that we're fragile human beings waiting desperately for news. I'm sure you'll get an amazing call tomorrow!

Mo said...

Ugh. I'd be going out of my mind too. But since I can stand back a bit and look at your situation a bit more objectively than I could if it was happening to me, I'll say that I don't think it is necessarily negative at all. If there was nothing, that would be final and easy to report. I'm assuming you definitely had some to biopsy (and re-biopsy as well). Also, FWIW, I had three blasts not develop until Day 7. They biopsied them just to give me information, and ALL THREE of them were normal. So it's not necessarily over at day 6.

Hang in there. Hope you get reassuring news first thing in the morning.

Rebecca said...

The waiting is horrible, I can't believe they did that to you. But I'm with Mo - if there was nothing at all, they would already know that. Hopefully you can get the news early tomorrow and not have to wait until the end of the day.

kayjay said...

Oh yuck. I can't believe you didn't get a call after being so good about not bugging them between days 3-6! I agree with Mrs. LC in that they forget that people sit on pins and needles, waiting for the results. The lab must be super busy and think your theory that they forgot to biopsy the one from the last round is reasonable. I hope you get some news soon and I'll be looking for your update.

Polly Gamwich said...

I was going to tell you about Mo's story of normal day 7 blasts, but she beat me to it.

I can't wait for tomorrow's news!

Jill M. said...

OMGosh, I would be a nut case!!! So irritating as you were so patient and calm and then to have to wait at this point. Hang in there! Hoping for great news!

Pie said...

This is not a bad sign, if they had none, they'd be able to call you and tell you that. To me, it means they are still biopsying, thawing, doing things. That is all good. Hang in there, the waiting is torture!