Edited to add: OB's office called and I have an induction scheduled for Monday at 6pm...we are all hoping Teagan decides to make her appearance before then, but I feel better that she will be out and safe in 3 days time!!! how exciting!!!!
Still here. Yup. Teagan has absolutely no intention of leaving her cozy little home. I am now becoming a nervous wreck. Those of you who have been through a lot of this journey with me know that I am a serious worrier and that I've had some losses along the way. Well, apparently I did a pretty good job of pushing my fears aside by saying I just have to make it to 40 weeks...just 40 weeks, right? Well, now that's been pushed off to 41 weeks and my worrying has started. I know that the 40 week estimate is just that - an estimate. That normal gestational times are 38-42 weeks...so being over 40 weeks is totally normal and okay for the baby. However, I worry. I worry that she will get caught up in the cord, I worry that the placenta will start to function less or the amount of amniotic fluid she has around her will start to shrink - all concerns that come up in situations where the baby stays in past 40 weeks. I am obsessing about kick counts and what the heck she is doing in there.
I will say that one myth has been busted. Babies do not slow down at the end. Mine is apparently a strong and active little bugger because she is kicking my butt, um, literally. I mean, when she starts moving, you can see her from across the room. She forces my belly out at odd angles, moves from side to side, moves her head around, hitting my cervix (which is great- helps effacement, but hurts!), my bladder, and, yes, even my butt. Ouch. I am so incredibly thankful for the strong movements but I think they are so strong because she should be out by now!
I am worried that my body is not willing to do what it needs to do. I worry because I was in a February due date group with over 25 women in it and all but 4 of us have given birth. I think me and two other women on the board were the only ones to go over our due dates. I know this is because almost all of them were induced or had c-sections for various reasons but it still makes me feel like I am being left behind or I should be insisting on being induced because I think they probably think I am crazy to let her stay in there so long. However, I know that especially with first time moms, 40 plus weeks is normal and that inducing increases your chances of fetal distress and a c-section. Don't get me wrong...if they tell me that I need a c-section for medical reasons, I will get one. If they say it is safest, etc...fine. But, a vaginal birth is healthier for mom and baby...particularly a natural one...so here I sit, waiting.
Okay, I have a question for those of you who already have kids and breastfed...did your hospital supplement with formula? Did they insist on it? or, were you good with just feeding colustrum until your milk came in? I know colostrum is normal for babies for the first few days and has everything necessary for a baby to be healthy and grow in those first few days but lately people have been insisting that this isn't true and obviously you need to supplement in order to get the right amount of weight on your baby right away. I disagree and plan to tell my hospital that they are not to give her any formula, pacifiers, or bottles of any kind...but I'm curious what other people's hospital experiences were like. Um, if I ever actually do have this baby, the information might be helpful!