The appointment went great today. I am so happy I changed back to my original OB. Here are some pics of our little ones...
The elusive baby B...hiding behind her arms...She looks a lot like her big sis. She is mostly head down though still considered transverse, with her head slightly lower than her body...either moving into position or staying there, either way is a good position for birth, they said:-) She is estimated to be 3lbs 8oz!!!! Her head measures smaller than her sis though she is estimated to be a half pound bigger!
Baby A...who had graciously turned head down (and is likely to stay that way since room is running out...but she could surprise us!). She doesn't look like her big sis, which is great! I wanted them all to look a little different and so far, they do! With baby B looking more like T but A having her own adorable look! She is estimated to be about 3 lbs.
Both babies are measuring good. They are in a good position for birth. I'm not worried that B is slightly bigger than A b/c her head is measuring smaller (she's got a chunkier belly!) and everything else looks good. Of course, with twins, its still a good chance of c-section but I'm hanging on to hope! Everything else is great. I can't wait to meet them, but will happily wait another 7 weeks or so....!
Great pics. Glad to hear that the babies are cooperating and getting into the proper position. And I've definitely learned to not put too much stock into the measurements they take in utero after all the "she's too, she's measuring just, she's too small" that went on with Emma!
7 weeks...that's it?!! Awesome! Your pg announcement on IVFC feels just like yesterday! Not much longer...
Awesome! They are coming right along! :)
Yep, it gets very crowded in there, and don't be worried too much if you can't feel them wiggling as often.
8 ounces isn't too much of a difference. And from what our ped says, it is really normal for there to be a difference. Our Lauren is consistently about two pounds smaller than her sister, and was at birth - even though they both measured the same on ultrasound (albeit even the doctors were surprised at the difference).
Something we couldn't live without... a daily log to record every pee, poop, and more. Seriously, we used it up through this summer and are using it now just with the sitter. We bought one from but then I just made my own with a word document and tables.
I'm SO very excited for you!!!
Great news! I hope they stay in the right position so you can avoid a c-section! Not much longer now--hang in there!
Hi Sue...been gone for a long happy to see you're having twins although I know it frightens you to have 3 in diapers. To give you some hope, I had my twins vaginally. The first one was head down but once she was born, the other flipped around and was suddenly breech after being head down the whole time also. The doctor pulled her out doing the splits but they were both born without having a c-section so it is possible. Good luck with everything!
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