I'm seriously having problems with the lab this cycle. But, that aside, I called the lab yesterday and left them a message asking about my little 2/3 embryo from last cycle and whether or not it thawed nicely and was able to be retested. It was! It is now a retested and refrozen pretty little 4BB. Yay! So, that makes 4, just like last time...hopefully we get 1 or 2 normals and we can have that sibling!
I also asked the embryologist if the retested embryos do well. He said usually if they thaw nicely one time, they thaw again nicely the second time. He also said that they don't really have statistics on how they implant but, so far, they seem to be implanting pretty well, from the few people who have had only retested embryos transferred (b/c otherwise, you transfer a retest and a regular and if you get preggo with one you never know which one took). So, there you go. That's good. However, I also wanted to know at what stage my 12 other embies arrested. Get this, the 3 that were tested were the only three that made it to 8 cells on day 3. The others almost all arrested prior to morula stage and were either 4 or 6 cell embies on day 3. Eeeeek. Its honestly kind of shocking. I guess its a good thing I got this cycle in when we did. Again, hopefully we get a normal or two, right? That is all we need. I was really just being greedy.
On the beautiful baby front: My little one is a holy terror and is running the household into the ground. She is happy again now that she can move herself around and is literally chasing the dogs around and stealing their toys. We keep an eye on all of this baby/puppy action but they immediately let her have the toy and then look at her longingly until she is done with it. Its pretty cute. She is starting to laugh at everything and is doing a weird little cough-talk...it sounds like a cough but its just a noise she makes and she expects you to make it back to her, at which point she smiles and does it again....ahhh the start of communication. Of course there is also the ongoing mamamamamamam.......dadadadadadada too, which is sweet. I'm loving this.
Sounds like you're following my footsteps in my last cycle in that I sent off the only 3 that made it to blast plus a previously frozen one. Surely out of 15 embryos, at least one will be normal. Just keep concentrating on that you really only need 1 out of 4 to be normal to get that sibling. There's still tons of hope!
Fingers crossed for you and your embies!
I'm glad you have 4 to test. Since you got Teagan out of the last batch of 4, hopefully that is a good sign of what is to come...
Hoping and praying for you! I say the odds are in your favor! When will you find out?
Also, I have a question for you...I'm going to email you.
Fingers crossed. I have a good feeling about your cycle. You wanted one normal one... out of 4 is really doable.
Wishing you luck.
That is good news, from another egg head! I am following your blog. I hope you have great success. I ended up at ET today and they transferred my little embies, so we'll see what the next 2 weeks holds! Best of luck to you- I'll be reading!
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